JANUARY 2025 - SPECIAL OFFERING: Meat Canning Project
JANUARY 19: Communion
During the Month: Quilting for the BMS Annual Auction will take place later this month in Oakwood Center at Valley View. You are invited to join the fellowship and fine stitching anytime from 8am - 3pm during the weeks of January 20-24 & 27-31. We hope to see you at the Auction on April 25 & 26 when the beautiful quilts will be featured along with much more!
DECEMBER 2024 - SPECIAL OFFERING: Pyramid in Belleville
**We will not have a fellowship meal in December.**
DECEMBER 18 - We will be caroling at Valley View, (Haven) on December 18 at 6 pm. Refreshments will follow at BMC Fellowship room.
DECEMBER 23 - Our Candlelight Service will be on December 23 at 7 pm
The churches of the Milroy Reedsville Area would like to work together more in coordinating some ministries. We are looking for a representative from each church to serve on a committee that would meet periodically, probably quarterly. If you have a passion to be more engaged in local ministry and would consider being involved in this way, talk to Pastor Carl.
Building Champions exists to help people overcome addictions, heal from hurt and rise above the challenges of life. We meet each Wednesday evening at 7:00 at the Clear Concepts annex building in Lewistown. Please pass this info on to others who might benefit. For more information, talk to Pastor Carl or Michele Mackenzie.
NOVEMBER 23 - We are planning a youth event for Saturday evening, Nov. 23 at 4:00 PM at Carl and Sherri's house. It will be an evening of pizza, games and a movie.
NOVEMBER 17 - We are planning a Come and See Sunday. This is a special Sunday to think about, pray about and act upon inviting your unchurched friends, relatives and neighbors. There are special invitations on the table in the foyer.
NEEDED! Men's winter coats, hats, gloves are needed for our friends in Belleville. If you have any you would like to donate, please bring them to the church.
The churches of the Milroy Reedsville Area would like to work together more in coordinating some ministries. We are looking for a representative from each church to serve on a committee that would meet periodically, probably quarterly. If you have a passion to be more engaged in local ministry and would consider being involved in this way, talk to Pastor Carl.
Building Champions exists to help people overcome addictions, heal from hurt and rise above the challenges of life. We meet each Wednesday evening at 7:00 at the Clear Concepts annex building in Lewistown. Please pass this info on to others who might benefit. For more information, talk to Pastor Carl or Michele Mackenzie.
The trip to Alexander Cavern has been canceled for Nov. 23 due to bat hibernation in the cavern. We hope to reschedule for next spring or summer. We are considering an alternate youth activity for November 23.
Keystone Family Alliance exists to build bridges between churches, foster parents and the foster care system. A "Stand Sunday" is planned for Sunday evening, Nov. 10 at 6:00 PM at the New Life Church in Burnham. The Stand Sunday will raise awareness of the needs within foster care and present opportunities to help lift those burdens. The idea is to stand together so no one has to stand alone.
There is an International Gifts Sale Nov. 14-16 at the Cedar Grove Brethren in Christ Church, 287 Deerville Rd, Mifflintown PA. This is an opportunity to combine your Christmas shopping with support for entrepreneurs from third world countries. Nov. 14, 6:00-8:00 PM, Nov. 15, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM and Nov. 16, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
OCTOBER 2024 - SPECIAL OFFERING: Mennonite Disaster Services (MDS)
We are in need of donations of refreshments for our Sunday morning break time between Sunday School and Worship time. Please drop your donations off in the kitchen. Thank you.
Aug. 2 - 4: The annual gathering of the Rosedale Network of Churches is coming up on Aug 2-4 in Greenwood Delaware. For more information go to rosedalenetwork.org then go to the events tab and then to Multiply Conference, or talk to Pastor Carl. The conference is a time of Christian gathering, inspiring speakers, and worship singing, and is open to everyone.
Aug. 4: Fellowship Meal following worship service.
Aug. 6: Building Champions will be at National Night Out this year. Aug. 6th from 6pm-9pm.
Aug. 23 & 24: You are invited to Operation Freedom - two nights of revival in Lewistown. This time of ministry and revival is taking place at the Lewistown Community Center, 108 Montgomery Avenue, Lewistown, PA on Friday evening, Aug. 23, 5:00 PM and Saturday evening, Aug. 24, 4:00 PM.
MAY 2024 - SPECIAL OFFERING: Francis & Leah Daytec
JANUARY 2024 - Events at Barrville and in the community:
OCTOBER 2023 - Events at Barrville MC and in the community:
AUGUST 2023 - Events at Barrville and in the community:
JANUARY 19: Communion
During the Month: Quilting for the BMS Annual Auction will take place later this month in Oakwood Center at Valley View. You are invited to join the fellowship and fine stitching anytime from 8am - 3pm during the weeks of January 20-24 & 27-31. We hope to see you at the Auction on April 25 & 26 when the beautiful quilts will be featured along with much more!
DECEMBER 2024 - SPECIAL OFFERING: Pyramid in Belleville
**We will not have a fellowship meal in December.**
DECEMBER 18 - We will be caroling at Valley View, (Haven) on December 18 at 6 pm. Refreshments will follow at BMC Fellowship room.
DECEMBER 23 - Our Candlelight Service will be on December 23 at 7 pm
The churches of the Milroy Reedsville Area would like to work together more in coordinating some ministries. We are looking for a representative from each church to serve on a committee that would meet periodically, probably quarterly. If you have a passion to be more engaged in local ministry and would consider being involved in this way, talk to Pastor Carl.
Building Champions exists to help people overcome addictions, heal from hurt and rise above the challenges of life. We meet each Wednesday evening at 7:00 at the Clear Concepts annex building in Lewistown. Please pass this info on to others who might benefit. For more information, talk to Pastor Carl or Michele Mackenzie.
NOVEMBER 23 - We are planning a youth event for Saturday evening, Nov. 23 at 4:00 PM at Carl and Sherri's house. It will be an evening of pizza, games and a movie.
NOVEMBER 17 - We are planning a Come and See Sunday. This is a special Sunday to think about, pray about and act upon inviting your unchurched friends, relatives and neighbors. There are special invitations on the table in the foyer.
NEEDED! Men's winter coats, hats, gloves are needed for our friends in Belleville. If you have any you would like to donate, please bring them to the church.
The churches of the Milroy Reedsville Area would like to work together more in coordinating some ministries. We are looking for a representative from each church to serve on a committee that would meet periodically, probably quarterly. If you have a passion to be more engaged in local ministry and would consider being involved in this way, talk to Pastor Carl.
Building Champions exists to help people overcome addictions, heal from hurt and rise above the challenges of life. We meet each Wednesday evening at 7:00 at the Clear Concepts annex building in Lewistown. Please pass this info on to others who might benefit. For more information, talk to Pastor Carl or Michele Mackenzie.
The trip to Alexander Cavern has been canceled for Nov. 23 due to bat hibernation in the cavern. We hope to reschedule for next spring or summer. We are considering an alternate youth activity for November 23.
Keystone Family Alliance exists to build bridges between churches, foster parents and the foster care system. A "Stand Sunday" is planned for Sunday evening, Nov. 10 at 6:00 PM at the New Life Church in Burnham. The Stand Sunday will raise awareness of the needs within foster care and present opportunities to help lift those burdens. The idea is to stand together so no one has to stand alone.
There is an International Gifts Sale Nov. 14-16 at the Cedar Grove Brethren in Christ Church, 287 Deerville Rd, Mifflintown PA. This is an opportunity to combine your Christmas shopping with support for entrepreneurs from third world countries. Nov. 14, 6:00-8:00 PM, Nov. 15, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM and Nov. 16, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
OCTOBER 2024 - SPECIAL OFFERING: Mennonite Disaster Services (MDS)
We are in need of donations of refreshments for our Sunday morning break time between Sunday School and Worship time. Please drop your donations off in the kitchen. Thank you.
- OCTOBER 22 - The Bunkertown Chorus will be here at Barrville on Sunday evening, October 22 at 6:30 PM.
- OCTOBER 17 - Annual business meeting Thursday, Oct. 17 at 7:00 PM.
- OCTOBER 18 - There will be a Hearts and Hands Women's Conference on Friday, October 18 at the Pine Glen Alliance Church, near Mattawanna. There will be a dinner at 6:00 and a program with guest speaker Stephanie Dye at 7:15 PM. Cost is $20 and the reservation deadline is Oct. 6. To make reservations, call Nancy Taylor at 717-348-5592.
- OCTOBER 22 - The Bunkertown Chorus will be here at Barrville on Sunday evening, October 22 at 6:30 PM.
OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS: - November 1 - 3: Mennonite & Brethren Marriage Encounter November 1-3 @ Christian Retreat Center, East Waterford - Marriages are worth celebrating more than just at anniversaries, so we invite you to consider celebrating your marriage by attending an upcoming Marriage Encounter. This weekend will give you the time and the space to grow closer together as a couple and to rediscover the joy that God gives to couples that lasts through the years! To attend, visit our website (www.marriageencounter.org), or give us a call at 717-569-5676 for more information.
- November 10: Keystone Family Alliance exists to build bridges between churches, foster parents and the foster care system. A "Stand Sunday" is planned for Sunday evening, Nov. 10 at 6:00 PM at the New Life Church in Burnham. The Stand Sunday will raise awareness of the needs within foster care and present opportunities to help lift those burdens. The idea is to stand together so no one has to stand alone.
- SEPTEMBER 1: Everyone is invited to stay for the fellowship meal following worship.
- SEPTEMBER 16: The Crossroads Pregnancy Center Fundraiser banquet is Monday, Sept 16, 6:00 PM at the Calvary Bible Church, with guest speaker, Kirk Walden. RSVP by Sept. 9 by calling 814-643-3570
- SEPTEMBER 22: The Bluegrass Gospel group, Remington Ryde, will be here at Barrville on Sunday morning, Sept. 22 at 10:30 AM.
- SEPTEMBER 14: The Mifflin County Amish-Mennonite Historical Society's Annual Fall Heritage Day will be held on Saturday, September 14 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Heritage Center, on the corner of Main and Walnut Streets in Belleville, as well as the Heritage House next door, will be open for your browsing enjoyment, as well as exhibits and demonstrations on the lawn. Stop by and try some freshly pressed cider with a bag of kettle popped corn as you learn about life in days gone by. Please join us!
- The Lumina Center in Lewistown is in need of volunteers to help with the after school program on Monday - Thursday evenings from 3:00-5:00 PM. For more information, call the Lumina Center at 717-242-2888
- BMS is seeking a part-time cleaner who is reliable and motivated to work by themselves for three hours a night from September to June with flexible hours after 4pm. For more info call, 717-935-2184.
Aug. 2 - 4: The annual gathering of the Rosedale Network of Churches is coming up on Aug 2-4 in Greenwood Delaware. For more information go to rosedalenetwork.org then go to the events tab and then to Multiply Conference, or talk to Pastor Carl. The conference is a time of Christian gathering, inspiring speakers, and worship singing, and is open to everyone.
Aug. 4: Fellowship Meal following worship service.
Aug. 6: Building Champions will be at National Night Out this year. Aug. 6th from 6pm-9pm.
Aug. 23 & 24: You are invited to Operation Freedom - two nights of revival in Lewistown. This time of ministry and revival is taking place at the Lewistown Community Center, 108 Montgomery Avenue, Lewistown, PA on Friday evening, Aug. 23, 5:00 PM and Saturday evening, Aug. 24, 4:00 PM.
MAY 2024 - SPECIAL OFFERING: Francis & Leah Daytec
- There will be a fellowship meal next Sunday morning following our worship Service.
- The music group, Mercy Run, will be at Barrville on Sunday, June 30 at 10:30.
- The Annual fundraising auction of the Belleville of the Belleville Mennonite School will be May 24 & 25. Friday evening will include a ham ball dinner from 4:00-6:00 and a gift certificate auction at 6:30. Saturday there will be breakfast from 7:30-9:00, with the auction beginning at 9:30.
- The LUMINA Center will be hosting Rainbow Summer. If your heart strings are tugging for you to assist, there are opportunities to volunteer and donate. You can sponsor a child for $125 (although any amount is greatly appreciated). Most of all, please pray for the Center, its purpose, its programs, its staff/volunteers, and the individuals/families it serves.
- Building Champions, a group that meets to help people overcome addictions, heal from hurt and rise above the challenges in life, meets each Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM at the Clear Concepts building in Lewistown. For more information talk to Pastor Carl or Michele Mackenzie. Please pass this info on to others who might benefit.
- The 2024 Meat Canning Project is coming up on Feb. 5-8, your help is needed. See the flyer on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information.
- There will be a Souper Bowl Sunday at the Lumina Center on Feb. 11, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. For more information see the flyer on the bulletin board in the foyer.
JANUARY 2024 - Events at Barrville and in the community:
- The church council is looking for two greeters per month, one in the foyer and one located at the fellowship entrance. The sign- up sheet is located on the bulletin board in the sanctuary.
- Building Champions, a group that meets to help people overcome addictions, heal from hurt and rise above the challenges in life, meets each Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM at the Clear Concepts building in Lewistown. For more information talk to Pastor Carl or Michele Mackenzie. Please pass this info on to others who might benefit.
- Quilting for the annual BMS Auction will be held in Oakwood Center at Valley View on January 15-19 & 22-25 from 8AM-3PM each day. All quilters are welcome!
- Belleville Mennonite School is accepting applications for a part-time Office Assistant who will work with office staff and focus on marketing and promotion, enrollment management, and assist with general secretarial duties. To learn more, call the office (717-935-2184) or visit https://www.bmsprek12.org/about/employment.cfm!
OCTOBER 2023 - Events at Barrville MC and in the community:
- October 6 & 7 - Belleville Mennonite School invites you to a variety of Homecoming activities on Friday & Saturday, October 6 & 7. Additional info below.*
- October 8 - Communion
- October 11 - Our annual church business meeting is coming up on Wednesday evening Oct. 11 at 7:00 PM at the church.
- October 15 - The Bunkertown Men's Chorus will be here at Barrville on Sunday evening October 15 at 6:30 PM.
- October 29 - Mercy Run will be here at Barrville on Sunday morning October 29 at 10:30. Fellowship Meal will follow; everyone is invited to stay.
- *BMS: On Friday evening October 6 at 6:00, we will be hosting local singer and songwriter Conrad Fisher for an outdoor concert. Attendees to this free community event will have the opportunity to support the mission of BMS by contributing to the Annual Fund and enjoy Peachey's Soft Serve Ice Cream throughout the evening. Bring your lawn chairs! In the event of inclement weather, the concert will be moved indoors. Saturday’s activities include alumni reunions, soccer games beginning at 10:30, and the annual Fall Fellowship Dinner at 6:30 pm. In addition to a delicious meal and a wonderful time of fellowship, the evening will feature special music and personal stories. John H. Yoder, class of 1967, will share an incredible testimony. "How Great is Your God?" that will both challenge and encourage! Attendees will be given the opportunity to contribute to the Faith Promise Annual Fund and play a critical role in supporting the school’s mission to inspire young men and women to develop their minds, build their faith, and be disciples of Christ. Please RSVP for the dinner by calling the office, 717.935.2184
AUGUST 2023 - Events at Barrville and in the community:
- The Barrville's annual church picnic will be on August 19th at Bender Park at Noon. Bring a chair & a covered dish.
- Locust Grove is planning a hymn sing August 20 at 6:30 PM. Everyone is invited, there isn't an agenda other than to sing together. There won't be any offering lifted, just a chance to gather people in our community to praise our God.
- Divorce Care (DC) and DC4Kids
DC (Divorce Care) for adults and DC4K are support groups that meets weekly for 13 weeks to help adults and children recover from the pain of separation and divorce. Participants experience a warm, caring environment led by people who care and want to help attendees find healing and wholeness in the midst of their circumstances. The next DC and DC4K groups kick off in Mifflin County on Monday, September 11, 2023, in two locations including New Life Church in Burnham and Locust Grove Church in Belleville. For more information or to register at New Life Church call or text 717-250-6852. For information or to register at Locust Grove Church call or text 717-247-4915 or 717-437-4946. DC4K groups are limited to 8-10 children.
- On July 19 a group of 20 from Barrville and friends went to see "Moses" at Sight & Sound Theater in Ronks, near Lancaster. We stopped on the way back for Supper at Ranch House restaurant.
- The Men and Boys picnic was Saturday June 17 at Bender Park.
- June 4, 2023: Celebrating Champions Sunday! Testimonials were read from two of the participants. Derrick Wright preached and guests also attended this service. A Fellowship Meal was enjoyed afterwards.
- May 13, 2023: We had a Mother's Day Brunch in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30. The tables were decorated and set with the "good china" and the food, appropriately prepared by mothers/daughters Marta Fox, Nancy Bell, Stacy Fox and Heather and Aubrey, was delicious! Our speaker was Molly Bourg from Kishacoquillas Historical Society who gave a delightful presentation on Amish life and traditions in the Valley. We closed with "Jesus Loves Me" sung by Aubrey.
by Joe Walling
by Joe Walling
This is what the blessings entailed today, January 16, 2022, at Barrville Mennonite Church in Reedsville, PA. A group from New Life Church in Burnham visited, bringing an amazing message of God's love, faithfulness, and patience. I personally am not qualified or capable of revealing what transpired. I direct you to go to Barrville's FB page and watch for yourself. I do know that the Spirit of God moved in a variety of ways through the messages of Travis Habbershon (youth pastor), Matteah, Alex, and Briette. The many guests who were present had no choice but to leave there with a different perspective on God's presence. The service opened with some hymns followed by Pastor Carl's unwavering and inviting message of love and hope for all. Travis followed with a profound message on seeking love in all the wrong places combined with a testimony of how God lifted him from the pits of despair, saving him from self destruction. Then Matteah captivated the audience with a bubbly presentation on grace, her God given charm warming hearts for the next speaker. Alex presented himself as a strong case of spiritual malingering through his early life until he opened his eyes after college. Citing Mark 4:2 he proclaims that he now has the type of friends who would tear roofs off to get him before the Lord. How awesome is that? Brisette wrapped it up with a message from Daniel 5 "The Writing on the Wall" covering what so many of us have experienced. Her journey began with acceptance and pleasure seeking and a refusal to believe she was worthy in her broken state. Her friends never gave up on trying to get her to church. And now, she realizes and testifies that everything good in her life is a product of becoming a Christian. A constant reminder of John 14:27 (My peace I leave with you) is found on her bracelet. I was inspired to say the least. Every one of the speakers has committed to nurturing and mentoring teenagers in their church's youth program. Tune in to Travis and New Life's Monday Marvels for continuing updates on what God is doing in Mifflin County. Be blessed.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 26: Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to a day of canoeing and kayaking on the Juniata River. Contact Bob Fox or Pastor Carl for details if you know of someone who is interested.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 28: The Good News Travelin' Band will perform at 10:00 AM. We will not have Sunday School but invite you to stay after the worship service for our Fellowship Meal.
Labor Day Power Point: As much as possible, we would like to have a picture of each of us at work. If you are retired, the picture can be from previous employment or it can be from a volunteer activity. Sherri has not received many pictures yet for the Labor Day Power Point. Pictures can still be sent to her via text at 717-513-8556, emailed to [email protected], or given as paper photo. Please be careful to respect confidentiality maters that might be related to your work or workplace!
Other events are listed on the Home page.
For our Wednesday evening Bible Study, we are starting a study on prayer using a book by Max Lucado and the Bible. This week's gathering will be at the church. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary to sign up if you would like to host the Wednesday evening gathering at your home.
A Spiritual Warfare Discipleship Course being offered this winter at Allensville Mennonite Church. The class will meet Sunday evenings from 7pm until 8:45pm from next Sunday, January 12 through February 23. Course content includes lessons on angels and demons, recognizing we are in a Spiritual battle, our weapons, and temptations.
Calling all quilters from beginner to expert! Winter quilting for the annual Belleville Mennonite School auction will be held January 20-24 & January 27-31, at Oakwood Centre at Valley View. All quilters are welcome! If you have a quilt top to be donated for quilting, please contact Juli Sunderland (814-667-2511), Jewel Peachey (717-667-9308) or Michelle Byler (717-935-5485).
12/15 - There will be a community open house at Watts Memorial UMC on Sunday December 15 from 3:00-6:00 PM celebrating the ministry and retirement of Pastor Doug Pierce. Please join us for light refreshments and an opportunity to congratulate Pastor Doug.
12/19 - St. John's Lutheran Church in Belleville is hosting a "Community Table Game Night" from 6:30-8:00 on Thursday December 19. Bring one or two of your favorite table games. Come join in the fun!
12/19&20 - There will be a Live Nativity at Dryhouse Farm, 53 Dryhouse Farm Lane, in Belleville on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 19-20 from 6:00-8:00. This free event features real animals and actors and take place in an 1800's barn. There will be free coffee and cookies for all.
June 2019
>Brothers in Grace gospel quarter will perform at our worship service on June 30. www.brothersingrace.com.
>Baby Bottles with support for the Crossroads Pregnancy Center should be returned by June 30.
>We're planning a Baptism service on Sunday, July 28. If you would like to be baptized, contact Pastor Carl.
>Allensville Mennonite Church will be celebrating its 150th anniversary on June 29 and 30. The weekend will start out with a meal at 6:00 PM on Saturday followed by a service with special music and sharing of memories. On Sunday the celebration continues with activities planned during Sunday School starting at 9:15 and the morning service at 10:30, followed by a Noon meal. An afternoon session from 1:00-2:15 will focus on highlights of AMC's missions involvement in recent years. Horse drawn carriage rides are planned for roads surrounding AMC from 4:00-5:30 followed by a light meal at 5:30. The weekend's activities will conclude with an evening service at 7:00 PM on Sunday.
>The Father/Son Outing will be held June 15 at Reedsville Playground at 5:00 PM. Supper and a speaker will be part of the program. Invite your fathers and sons to attend this outing in celebration of Father's Day!
>Habitat for Humanity of Mifflin County has begun anotehr home build on Lindy Lane, just behind Stimely's Electric in Lewistown. They are inviting help every Saturday, as well as the middle of next week when they set the truss. From Lori Henry, the HH Communicator: "Wed. and Thur. (June 5 and 6) we will be setting the trusses. Any and all help will be appreciated. Please contact me @717-994-1652 with any questions or if you have a group that would like to be put on the work schedule. Don't worry if you don't have any specific skills."
>Nathan Rittenhouse from the Ravi Zacharias Int'l Ministries will be speaking at Locust Grove Mennonite Church on Saturday evening, June 8, at 7:00 PM on the subject of "Why does Christianity Matter?" with a Q&A session following. Everyone is invited to attend.
>Rosedale Bible College (RBC) is a two-year Bible college in Ohio connected to Conservative Mennonite Conference. In recent years attendance has been down which has led to a significant financial challenge. RBC is making significant changed to increase enrollment and change programing to be more attractive. A group has emerged called Friends of RBC 2019 which has the goal of raising $10/mo. for one year from 12,000 members of CMC churches and alumni. You can contribute to this effort by donating online at rosedale.edu (click on "Donate") or by mailing a check marked "Friends of RBC" to Rosedale Bible College, 2270 Rosedale Rd., Irwin, OH 43029.
April 2019
>The Big Valley Ministerium is coordinating a Time of Caring May 2-4. The concept is to pull together volunteers to assist people in the community with small outside jobs around their home. There are sign-up sheets on the Bulletin Board at the back of the sanctuary to volunteer or make a request for help at your home.
>The Belleville Fire Company is planning a pizza buffet fundraiser on Saturday, April 27 from 4:30 - ?? at the BFC Activity Center (former Union Elementary School). For carry-outs, call 717-935-2412. Donations will be accepted and all proceeds will go toward a new electric sign.
> The Gospel Echos prison ministry organization is having their fundraising banquet on Monday evening, May 6 from 6:00 - 9:00 PM at the Belleville Mennonite School. Tickets are $8; for reservations, call Scott and Ruth Ritchey at 717-667-9080.
>The Big Valley Ministerium is coordinating a Time of Caring May 2-4. The concept is to pull together volunteers to assist people in the community with small outside jobs around their home. There are sign-up sheets on the Bulletin Board at the back of the sanctuary to volunteer or make a request for help at your home.
12/15: Services for Malinda Sharp at 10:00; lunch will be served after burial at Allensville Mennonite Cemetary.
12/16: Ladies Christmas Party at 2:00. Bring a gift to exchange and a snack to share.
12/19: Caroling at Valley View at 6:00.
12/23: Christmas program and candle lighting at 7:00.
November 25:
>Thank you to all who gave to Operation Christmas Child and made boxes. We were able to contribute 52 boxes this year. A large portion of the shipping was covered by donations from members on the Facebook page for OCC. Praise the Lord!
>The Ladies Christmas Party will be on December 16th at 2:00 PM. Bring a gift to exchange and a snack to share. Do NOT bring a gift if you're not coming but we hope you can join the fun.
>We are in need of a few more volunteers to serve on our cemetery committee. If this is something you might consider, talk to George Havice for information.
>A Spiritual Disciplines Discipleship Course is being offered this winter at Allensville Mennonite Church. The class will meet Monday evenings from 7 - 8:45 PM from January until March 4. Course content includes lessons on scripture reading, prayer, solitude, giving, evangelism, and fasting among other topics. There is a course registration fee of $15, which includes a book "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" which each member will be able to keep at the end of the course. Please sign up on the registration sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary. The $15 registration fee can be put in an envelope and given to Pastor Carl.
October 28:
>Our fall cleaning of our church facilities is be Saturday morning, Nov. 3.
>Our church Thanksgiving Supper is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 10 at 5:30 PM. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the back of the sanctuary; please sign up if you plan to attend and how many will attend.
>We will start our Harvest Home Collection today and it will continue through November 18. We will be collecting non-perishable food items which can be placed on the table in the foyer. We will decide later where the food will go. Thank you for your generosity.
>Steve Swartz, the conference pastor from Conservative Mennonite Conference, will be with us Wednesday evening, October 31 at 7:00 PM. He will share and lead a discussion around the topic of How to Participate in a Miracle. Please consider this a priority in your schedule.
>We are in need of a few more volunteers to serve on our Cemetery Committee. If this is something that you might be interested, talk to George Havice for more information.
>Mennonite Disaster Service will be taking a work trip to Fort Meyers, FL, Nov. 4-9. Men and women are invited to consider this opportunity to assist.
>Maple Grove Mennonite Church is excited to announce that they will be hosting a concert by hammered dulcimer player Ted Yoder on Wednesday Nov. 7 at 7 PM. The Goshen, IN, native broke into the world stage in August 2016 after the video rendition of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by the band Tears for Fears went viral on YouTube. Find out more about Ted on his website www.tedyoder.com. A freewill offering will be received to help cover travel expense.
**Previous postings were lost in internet cyberspace**
>There will be a men's breakfast on Saturday, September 29, at the church with a work project at Bear and Beth Royer's after breakfast.
>Update on Lifetouch photos and directory: A few months ago we decided to do a photo directory for our church. This will be an excellent tool to help new people here at Barrville get acquainted with us and put names and faces together. Lifetouch is providing this service free of charge with the hopes that they will be able to sell some professional family portraits in the process.Two photogaphers will be here at Barrville on Monday, Oct. 33, and Tuesday, Oct. 23 from 2:00-9:00 PM. There will be no obligation to purchase photographs. Roxana Salamon will be in the foyer to schedule photography sessions.
>Communion is scheduled here at Barrville on Sunday, October 7, World Communion Day.
>Barrville will be doing a service for residents at Elmcroft on Sunday, Sept. 30, at 2:00 PM. Please consider helping to sing with the residents.
>Mennonite Disaster Service will be taking a work trip to Ft. Meyers, FL, November 4-9. Men and women are invited to consider this opportunity to assist.
>The Shining Light Through the Darkness Committee is hosting a kick-off picnic on Sunday, Sept. 30, from 3-6:o0 PM. It will be at the Green Pavilion at Kish Park. Thee will be food, entertainment and announcements of new items.
>Rally Day will be Sunday morning at 9:30 with Joe Bonson and Coffee Run. If you've never heard them, they present a truly "message with a song" inspiring program. https://www.joebonson.com/
>We are continuing to work on the Photo Directory as noted here: We are considering doing a Lifetouch Photo Directory and are welcoming feedback from the congregation. If you would like more information about it, you can visit www.lifetouch.com and click on the 'church directories' tab. The directory and an 8x10 photo would be free but they will have other photo packages available for sale as well. There is also a sample directory on the table in the foyer. You can give feedback to Pastor Carl or one of the elders.
Saturday, May 12: Our annual Mother/Daughter Banquet will be at 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall. All women are invited to attend. After supper our speaker will be Elise Aungst, the wife of David Aungst, pastor at Mountain View Chapel.
Saturday, May 19: Benefit spaghetti supper at 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall for Jim & Kathy Hostetler. Jim recently had a stroke and will have a long recovery. Keep them in your prayers.
--There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary if you would like copies of sermons from the present sermon series Emotional Healing.
1/14/18: We will welcome into membership Bob and Sandy Narehood, Ben Rubenstein, Kathy Tatreaux, Galen Peachey, John Wert and Kathy Reese.
--4/09/19 A "Cooking for Crowds" training will be held at Locust Grove MC from 6-9 PM. It will be presented by PSU Extension Office.
--4/18/19 - Everence will be holding a seminar on understanding Medicare on Thursday, April 18, at 6:30 at the Valley View Retirement Community. Topics will include: Signing up for Medicare; how, when and where, What Medicare covers (and does not cover), Medicare Parts A, B, C & D, in clear, understandable language and budgeting for health care costs in retirement. RSVP by Thursday, April 11, by calling 717-251-2131.
-4/27/19 - Belleville Fire Company is planning a pizza buffet fundraiser on Saturday 4/27/19 from 4:30 PM - ?? at the BFC Activity Center (former Union Elementary School). For carryouts, call 717-935-2412. Donations will be accepted and all proceeds will go toward a new electric sign.
On-Going at Barrville MC: Pastor Carl can be contacted at any time at the numbers or email on the Home page or at the church office on Tuesdays 1:00 - 4:00 PM. If you are interested in joining the church, please contact Pastor Carl about the membership class. On the first Sunday of each month (unless otherwise noted), everyone is invited to enjoy a Fellowship Meal immediately following church service in the Fellowship Hall. Church members are asked to bring a covered dish to share. Men's Breakfast: We have a men’s breakfast/work day most months, generally on the third Saturday, at 7:00 AM followed by a work project. All men and boys are invited to join us. Check with Pastor Carl for scheduling. *** Additional information on the "Ministries" page *** RECENT EVENTS AT BARRVILLE MC (Scroll past slideshows for Community Events.) |
Our Christmas Program and Candle Lighting service was on Friday, December 23, with skits featuring the little ones, followed by fellowship and refreshments. (All photos by George Havice.)
The ladies gathered in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday afternoon 12/04/16, for their annual Christmas party; fellowship, games, gift exchange and delicious treats were enjoyed by all.
Quilting Group at Maple Grove MC - December 6. Several of our ladies attend the monthly meeting with the ladies at Maple Grove MC to work on quilts which are sent to MCC, to the Int'l Guest House in Washington, DC, and others are sold at auction for special benefits. Malina, Iva and June are active and Leona and Mary Ella are "retired" although Mary Ella still does binding in her spare time at Valley View.
- Operation Christmas Child: WOW! We packed a total of 70 boxes this year~~ Thank you, thank you for all who donated and participated to bring God's love to children in other countries who may not otherwise learn about him.
- Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner was held in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, November 12. Many members and their families attended and had a delightful evening. Thanks to the Food Committee and others who made the delicious meal. After dinner, Lester Lepley gave a presentation of his recent trip to Israel and Jordan.
All photos by George Havice.
Community Events - Upcoming
>Single & Parenting, a program that offers practical help and hope to single parents, will begin at the Juniata Valley YMCA, Bunham, on Monday, January 22, 2018, and will run 6:30 - 8:00 PM each Monday evening through April 23. Single & Parenting at the YMCA will run congruent with DC4K, a program for children ages 5 - 12 years. DC4K is a student support group for children whose families are experiencing separation/divorce. At DC4K, kids are engaged in crafts, games, activities, DVD dramas, and music and will be engaged in this program while parents are participating in Single & Parenting. For more information on these programs, call of text 7170437-4946. There is no cost for registration. Programs are sponsored by Locust Grove Mennonite Church, Belleville, PA, located at 3358 W. Main St., Belleville, PA 17004.
Community Events - On-Going
Overcomers Outreach group: Two members from the Locust Grove Mennonite Church are starting an Overcomers Outreach group on Thursdays at 6:30 PM at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Lewistown (across from the Lake Ford dealer on South Main Street). Overcomers Outreach uses the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Bible to discover the wisdom of God and apply his teachings to our daily lives. We claim Jesus as our "higher power" and share our trials and victories with one another in a confidential and secure environment. They will meet each week. For more information, visit www.overcomersoutreach.org or contact Sue Fagan (899-7842) or Karen Goss (994-2007).
- Mennonite Your Way travel directory provides connections between potential host families and travelers looking for a welcoming home to stay. Our church has received a copy of the 2016-2018 directory. In this directory you will find host families who are willing to host you as you travel to other areas. The directory is on the table by the water cooler with the magazines. The organization is also looking for host families who are willing to open their home to travelers. There is more information on the bulletin board, or go to www.mennoniteyourway.com or talk to pastor Carl for more information.
- There is a suicide prevention task force that meets the second Tuesday of each month from 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Juniata Valley Behavorial and Development Services, 399 Green Ave. Ext., Suite 100, Lewistown, PA. Anyone concerned about this matter is invited to attend.
- Home Nursing Agency is seeking volunteers to offer companionship and show compassion as they support hospice patients and their families. Opportunities include visiting patients, providing relief and support for family members, clerical duties and making weekly phone calls to check in with patients and their caregivers. Volunteers can do many of these things from the comfort of their own homes. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like to learn more, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 1-800-445-6262 or visit www.homenursingagency.com.
- Hospice: The Bridge is seeking volunteers to share the love of Jesus with hospice patients. Volunteer opportunities include office work, companionship and support for patients and their families and assistance with hospice events such as kids camp, memorial services and support group luncheons. Their greatest needs are for volunteers who are available to provide companionship for patients while family members run errands and for bereavement volunteers who contact family members on a monthly basis by phone to offer support following the death of a loved one. To volunteer or for more information, contact Marina at 242-5000.
- Valley View Retirement Community is in need of volunteers to push wheelchairs. Please contact Kelly Esh at 717-935-2105 Ext. 1330 or email at [email protected].
- Backyard Club Ministry, coordinated by Kevin Delappe, is active in ministering to the kids in downtown Lewistown on Tuesday evenings from 4:00 - 5:30 but Kevin could use more volunteers. If you are interested or would like more information, contact him at 814-5025-8008 or at [email protected].
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RENEWAL MEETINGS were held October 16 - 19 with services by Matt Zook. Matt grew up at Mountain View Chapel but has been serving the Lord for the past 11 years in Mozambique as a Bible translator.
RALLY DAY, September 24, 2016
A music program and morning worship service were brought to us by GOSPEL BOND, followed by a delicious Fellowship Meal prepared by our Food Committee. (slide show below) www.gospelbond.com/album.php
RENEWAL MEETINGS were held October 16 - 19 with services by Matt Zook. Matt grew up at Mountain View Chapel but has been serving the Lord for the past 11 years in Mozambique as a Bible translator.
RALLY DAY, September 24, 2016
A music program and morning worship service were brought to us by GOSPEL BOND, followed by a delicious Fellowship Meal prepared by our Food Committee. (slide show below) www.gospelbond.com/album.php
Rally Day services and fellowship meal - All photos by George Havice